Free rubiks cube timer
Free rubiks cube timer

This should also improve rendering on mobile devices. Added normal distribution fit of solve times, when plotting distribution of solve times.Changed chart library to Chart.js due to some weird behavior of the old library.

free rubiks cube timer

Here users can change their display name as well as their password. Added 'profile' page for users that are logged in.

#Free rubiks cube timer password#

  • Added 'Forgot your password?' button to the login page, giving users an option to reset their password in case they forgot.
  • This is more intuitive and better mimics speedstacks timers.
  • Inspection: Behavior changed, so that the timer starts when spacebar is released instead of when it pressed.
  • Added pagination of logs, so that you can browse all logs.
  • free rubiks cube timer

    Added a detailed log view, where the scramble for each solve is shown.If you have any problems, comments or suggestions about this site, please do not hesitate to email me at Version 2.5 (December 2017) If you are interested in what has changed, take a look at the changelog. This website is updated from time to time. The scrambles are provided by the Javascript Solver/Scrambler Suite jsss, which can be found here: The following two websites really helped me improve my speedsolving. Penalties can also be manually added/removed on previous solves.

    free rubiks cube timer

    If the user does not complete inspection within 17 seconds, the user receives a DNF (did not finish) penalty. If the user does not complete inspection within 15 seconds, the user receives a penalty of 2 seconds. A user has 15 seconds of inspection time. The WCA inspection mode automatically gives penalties according to WCA (World Cubing Association) regulations. Furthermore, if you create a login, you will be able to track you speedsolving no matter what device you are using. In addition, you can download your speedsolving log as a csv-file if you want to do statistics yourself. To this end, you can view charts that show your speedsolving evolve over time. I created this speed cube timer with inspiration from the fantastically simple speed cube timer at However, I felt that it lacked features to help me track my speedsolving progress.

    Free rubiks cube timer